
The Personal Awareness Profile combines three world class assessments into one complete profile. The assessments are independent of each other and give insights into a person from three different perspectives. For this reason this profile is much more valuable than just using one assessment. 

The assessments are independent, so the results of one assessment cannot be used to predict or correlate to results from another assessment. However, we often see relationships between assessment where one factor tends to relate to a factor on a different assessment. When there is a common theme across the different assessments it serves to provide reinforcement for that factor as key to success as an individual.


 DISC Dudes with CubesRGB

Behavior and Temperament (The DISC Assessment)

We use the DISC Model as the behavioral component of the Personal Awareness Profile. DISC is a four factor behavioral model based on the theory developed by William Moulton Marston in his 1928 book The Emotions of Normal People. The first DISC assessment tool was developed in the 1950's and it is the most widely used behavioral model in the world today.

The DISC Assessment measures four dimensions of a person's behavioral style:


 Find your passion

Motivators and Drivers (The Values Assessment)

The Values Assessment measures a person's drive and motivation for seven factors based on the work of Drs. Eduard Spranger and Gordon Allport. Allport and his associates created the first values assessment in the 1950's. The Values Assessment helps a person to understand their unique values hierarchy which determines what motivates a person, what activities they are drawn to, and what creates passion in them.

The seven motivational factors measured by the Values Assessment are:


 Decision Making

Thinking and Reasoning (The Discernment Assessment)

The Discernment Assessment is based on the Nobel Prize nominated work for Dr. Robert S. Hartman. Hartman applied mathematical principles to the science of value in the development of the Hartman Value Profile (HVP) which is the basis for this assessment. The first widely available assessment based on the HVP was introduced by Innermetrix in 2004.

The Discernment Assessment measures a person's ability to see and focus on six distinct dimensions of thought:


Validity and Accuracy

We use questionnaires and scoring that have been developed by Innermetrix, a recognized leader in the assessment marketplace. These assessments have been subjected to rigorous third party validation studies and meet all EEOC guidelines for use in hiring decisions.