
In his book What's Your Genius, Jay Niblick presents results of research into the characteristics that differentiate outstanding performers from the rest of the pack. When starting his research, Niblick thought he would find a common set of factors measured in our assessments that correlated to exceptional performance. After applying statistical analysis to tens of thousands assessment results, he found no single set of factors that correlated with success. However, his research uncovered two traits that all exceptional performers possess. 

  • Exceptional performers had a clear and thorough understanding of who they are, what are their strengths and weaknesses, what drives and motivates them, and what are their natural talents.
  • Exceptional performers placed themselves in situations where they could maximize the use of their strengths, minimize the impact of their weaknesses, and be passionate and engaged in what they were doing.

For more on this study, read the article Natural Talents and Exceptional Performance.

The Personal Awareness Profile can be a person's first step in developing these traits. It begins the process of self awareness by helping a person understand who they are, why they do what they do, and where they can best use their talents and abilities. The profile is an integral part of our Laser Coaching process for executives and key leaders in an organization.